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Recurring events

Create A Recurring Event

Important information about recurring events:

  • All event dates share basic event details like: Title, Description, Image, Tickets
  • There will be one link to the event page. Visitors will be able to toggle alternate dates/times.
  • One button can be generated for this event to be used on your website
  • Each event date will have it’s own Attendee list and Orders report
  • More dates can be added at any time

Follow these instructions to set up additional schedules (dates) for an event, thus converting it into a recurring event:

  1. Log in to your Ticketstripe account and click the CREATE EVENT button
  2. Add your event details and various tickets for the main event. Do not include a date or time in the title of this main event.
  3. Click SCHEDULE from the left menu
  4. Click the ADD RECURRING SCHEDULE button
  5. Set the repeat schedule for this event and click SAVE

Editing Recurring Events

Any changes made to the main event labeled as “ALL DATES” will be reflected in all schedules unless an individual schedule is edited after it is created.

Editing Single Schedules of a Recurring Event

There are various reasons you may need to edit tickets for a single schedule associated with this recurring event. Perhaps you need to modify the pre-sale end time for certain dates or you may want to add or modify tickets. Making changes to single schedules is easy.

IMPORTANT: Once you make changes to a single schedule, any additional changes to tickets for this event date will have to also be done manually. From here on out any changes you make to the ALL DATES main event will no longer override this single schedule event’s tickets.

  1. Mouse over your email address in the top menu of your Ticketstripe dashboard and click MY EVENTS.
  2. Click into your Event. By default, your screen will load the “ALL DATES” main event.
  3. Select the date of the event you want to modify within your dashboard from the drop down box that appears at the top of your screen under the Event Title. It will currently show “ALL DATES”.
  4. Click TICKETS from the left menu.
  5. Make your changes and save.

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