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Refunding Tickets

If your event was cancelled or you need to refund tickets to a buyer for any other reason, here is some helpful information on how to process refunds with Ticketstripe.

You, the Organizer, are in complete control over your funds. Ticketstripe does not process or manage your ticket sale proceeds. All funds from your ticket sales and donations are processed via your merchant (Stripe or PayPal) and deposited into the bank account you set up with the respective merchant account.

If you connected to Stripe as your merchant, you can issue refunds via your Ticketstripe control panel:

  1. Log into your Ticketstripe account and go to your Event
  2. Click on Orders
  3. Search for the Order you want to refund and click on it
    • Click the Options button
    • Select Process Refunds
    • Select the Tickets you want to Refund
    • Click Process Refund button

Refund amounts will be for the face value of the ticket(s). Any discounts or taxes applied at checkout will be reflected in the refund.

The Ticket Buyer will receive an email notification of the refunded ticket. According to Stripe, refunds post within 5 – 10 days.

If you need to issue bulk refunds for large events, please contact support so we can assist you.

If you connected to PayPal as your merchant, you will need to issue a refund via your PayPal control panel ( and then cancel that order in your Ticketstripe account so that customer is notified and tickets are cancelled:

  1. Log into your Ticketstripe account and go to your Event
  2. Click on Orders
  3. Search for the Order you want to refund and click on it
    • Click the Options Button
    • Select Cancel Order
    • Select the Tickets you want to Refund
    • Click Cancel Order button

Both Stripe and PayPal will first attempt to refund via funds available in your merchant account. If you do not have sufficient funds in the merchant account (depending on when the last bank transfer occurred), funds will be withdrawn from the connected bank account.

Merchant Companies do not refund their credit card processing fees. If you are refunding fees in addition to the ticket price, you will need to make sure to have enough funds to cover the difference. It is recommended to pass all fees to the customer, when possible.

If you have any questions about refunds, please contact support. We are ready and happy to assist you.

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