nonprofit social fundraising

How Nonprofit Social Fundraising Can Help You Sell More Tickets Online

No matter how you slice it – fundraising is the bedrock and backbone of any nonprofit organization. Fundraising is critical for organizations to support their staff, share their message, and reach the people that benefit from their services. But with so many worthy causes and so many businesses looking to raise money for their endeavors, how can you make sure that your nonprofit will stand out in the crowd while speaking directly to your target audience?

Ticketstripe has the answer. Enter nonprofit social fundraising.

In a nutshell, nonprofit social fundraising occurs when you seek donations through your organization’s social media channels. Not only will your posting encourage contributions from your target patrons, but your audience will also be able to share your mission from their accounts and invite new communities to your table! Additionally, the traffic from posting and sharing boosts your media metrics and will undoubtedly drive more people to your webpage to learn more about what you do. Take advantage of the power of social media and raise more awareness (and funds) than you ever thought possible.

Ready to learn more? Read on for a further breakdown of the fantastic capabilities of social media fundraising.

Powerful Messaging

Think about commercials and marketing we see daily. How many of them stick with you? Now think about how many ads with products or experiences you noticed that a friend endorsed– were you more likely to pay attention and make a purchase?

Social media marketing has the same effect. When supporters tell your story through their own personal experiences (media page), it creates a human and emotional connection with their networks. The interest and motive behind a post from a brand versus a person are distinctly different and people respond.

We’re constantly inundated with messaging from all industries, so having patrons share your message on their terms encourages authenticity, trust, and partnership. Building positive, long-lasting relationships is key to any nonprofit, and personal messaging is often the kickstarter.

Your patrons sharing your story in their own words creates a web of new supporters willing to give and share. From connections with fresh audiences and donors to collaborations with artists and producers– social media presents new opportunities of growth for your team and nonprofit as a whole.

Create a media plan with your team to get the ball rolling! Visit our previous blog post detailing how to tailor your marketing to your ideal patrons.

Instant Mobile Marketing

It’s safe to say that we rely on our phones more than ever before. We’re constantly discovering new businesses through Instagram or perusing groups on Facebook- taking in new information constantly. And, with the rise of social media, marketing your nonprofit’s unique mission is easier than ever. Directly sharing the causes you’re passionate about with your personal network is speedy and straightforward.

As we move through the year, ensuring that your organization is mobile-friendly is incredibly important. More and more nonprofits are shifting to social media being their primary source of marketing and audience expansion, so make sure your team stays ahead of the curve.

Showcase Your Essence

In addition to the ability to promote your nonprofit’s work, with a few taps your social media pages showcase your organization’s unique essence. Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter (and more!) can illuminate your brand’s aesthetic, show causes you’re passionate about, access the accounts/additional nonprofits you admire, and display what your existing followers praise you for.

A fleshed-out media channel grants new viewers the ability to see past campaigns, present ideas, and future goals while allowing them to get a peek at the people behind the posting. So, share what and who inspires your team. Reveal your organization’s thoughts on relevant pop culture and news. Create a well–rounded presence to attract your people and have them stay!

Connect with Your Community

Perhaps the most attractive part of social media is being able to easily and quickly connect with like-minded individuals. And when your nonprofit is social fundraising, this feature is an incredible gift. With the power of the algorithm and some well placed hashtags, you can open doors to new potential donors through both regularly posting and via outreach and engagement with individuals.

Bonus Tip: Create a positive first impression with a message tailored to prospective patrons, inviting them to partake in your event.

On top of adding more contacts, social media allows you to keep track of existing connections and keep them updated with your initiatives. A critical part of nonprofit social fundraising is further exploring the avenues that have paved the way for your past successes while honoring the new. Reach out to donors and organizations that have previously helped– offer new incentives for them to continue their patronage, and look for ways that you can uplift their endeavors as well. Work in tandem with all members of your network to ensure dynamic results.

Take the time to research, reflect on, and embrace the power of social fundraising for your nonprofit. While it’s wonderful to open doors to donations, social media also can connect your team to new artists, marketing specialists, or vendors who are eager to collaborate on evocative and exciting events. We’ve seen firsthand how social media has transfigured the face of events, and we’re thrilled to share its fundraising magic with you and your nonprofits. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or ideas on how we can join forces.

We can’t wait to see what you do.

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Nonprofit Ticketing and Donation Platform